This seed grown beauty flowered for the first time last year and pushed out a bigger display this summer. I eagerly await next summer’s bloom as I’ve read as many as 50 flowers can adorn each sturdy stem. Gorgeous pink flowers are spotted purple. Petals are thick and waxy. The only drawback with these beauties is the bloom period can never be long enough.
Apparently it has naturalized well in Quebec, so it does very well in cold winter climates.
- Seed Count: 12-15
- Collection Date: Oct 2021
- Hardiness Zone: 3-9
- Height and Width: 1.5m x 45cm
- Preferred sites: full-semi sun; well draining moist garden soils
- Germination test type: hand sort
- Family: Liliaceae
How to germinate Lilium martagon seeds:
Striving to find better tried and true techniques. I found a professional propagator on YouTube who used barely moist finely milled peat moss and deli containers. Sowed the dry seed in layers in the moist peat in the containers and put the sown containers in gentle warmth for 60 days then gave them cool conditions. He reported excellent germination in the spring. Another source, The Pacific Bulb Society, has a great site where they describe “how-to” for a plethora of Lilium species. Not all are created equal thus should not be treated the same. L. martagon is described as being a delayed hypogeal germinator, but it can have a mind of its own.
I suggest you take a look, read and plan accordingly.