Hailing from South Africa, the flower colour ranges from white to purple, but the main color is blue. Atop sturdy 1m stems a star burst of flowers bloom in succession in summer. A great butterfly plant. Narrow strap like leaves. Needs moisture in summer to mimic its native growing conditions.
- Seed Count: 15-20
- Collection Date: Oct 2019
- Hardiness Zone: 6-9
- Height and Width 2m x 1m
- Preferred conditions: Prefers evenly moist soil for best growth. Acidic humus rich soil. Needs water in summer.
- Germination test type: cut
- Family: Amaryllidaceae
How to germinate Agapanthus seeds:
Seedlings detest small containers as roots/developing bulb-rhizome need to expand. Use a well draining gritty medium. Sow thinly. Barely cover seed. An additional layer of grit will help anchor seed down. Mist well. Provide a clear cover to retain humidity and moisture. Should germinate in 21-35 days given gentle warmth of 25-28C. Don’t prick out seedlings until they’re sturdy enough to handle. Can grow in pots for first year until ready for the garden. Might take 2-3 years to reach bloom size then reliably blooms every year afterward. Don’t let medium to dry out. Very rewarding.
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