Our forays into the wilderness are becoming more extensive in our endless hunt for new plants to collect from. This, of course, means that I won’t be at home base as much. Orders won’t be sent out as swiftly as they are in the winter months. I hope for your understanding as this is a one person show. Can you imagine how much could be done if I had staff? Its late Sept, I’m heading out for the annual fall harvest. Buckets, totes, crates and bags are packed. I should be gone for a few days.
Phytosanitary Certificate Services: Limo vs Ride Share
We have revamped our Phytosanitary Certificate Service to offer two cost tiers for our International Customers. Here we attempt to explain the differences: https://twiningvinegarden.com/category/tvg-blog/page/5/
Seed Exports: EU & Norway Regulations
We are suspending all EU seed sales until we obtain an IOSS registration number and hire an established EU intermediary. https://twiningvinegarden.com/eu-customers-import-one-stop-shop-ioss/For additional information: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/a129b205-6b4d-11eb-aeb5-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-218351297
Norway: Things have changed. Please read. We are not registered with the VOEC scheme. https://www.toll.no/en/online-shopping/
Please check with your government customs requirements otherwise your seeds will be stuck in customs while the paperwork is cleared. NOTE: We do not take any responsibility for any losses for uninsured parcels foreign and domestic.
We endeavor to offer the best quality seed possible. Organically grown, hand harvested, cleaned, sorted and viability tested. We include our tried and true germination instructions in all our selection. All our seed is stored at 2-4C in dedicated refrigerators.
Sorry we don’t accept returns due to the perishable nature of seed. We promise the seed we package is true to type (but do expect the odd rogue pollination via enthusiastic bees). We grow our stock from our own seed, so we do take efforts via isolation and hand pollination to ensure plants are true to type.