Ginkgo biloba bareroot


Please select the ‘small plant’ shipping option ($24) when ordering.  Max weight is 5kg, so go nuts. Perfectly fine to combine seeds and small plants.  Read our “Bareroot Plants & Conditions” post.

Also known as Maidenhair tree.  A living link from the Jurassic having traits of both lower plants (ferns) and higher plants (conifers).  Contact us about reduced shipping charges for smaller plants


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There’s no tree in the world like the legendary Ginkgo. This living fossil has remained unchanged in the last 200 million years.   Graceful fan shaped leaves, beautiful open pyramidal form and its glowing gold fall colour makes it unique.  In addition it is one of the toughest trees in cultivation tolerating urban settings, street side plantings, and open woodlands.  Highly disease and pest resistant .  Leaves are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Nuts borne on female trees are edible and known as “white nut” if you see them in Asian specialty grocery stores.  Suitable for bonsai.  Seed grown by us.  Organic.  Mycorrhizae treated

  • Available in Sept/Oct when temps for shipping are better
  • Plant type: deciduous conifer
  • Hardiness Zones: 4-8
  • Size at maturity: 20m x 9m unless as bonsai.

Here is a good article and it has some very nice photos.

Culture: needs deep well draining soil with about half day of sun. Highly adaptable to many sites, but intolerant of excessively wet or alkaline soils, and compacted soils. Open shape doesn’t shade out undergrowth.  Easy to grow.  Never needs pruning or spraying. Can grow 30 cm or more annually. I’ve never fertilized my ginkgos. Gendered species. Female trees will not bear fruit if no male is present. When transplanting  gently remove from pot as rubbery fleshy roots can be easily damaged.  Seat in prepared transplant hole. Don’t use bone meal; granular fertilizer burns roots. Fill soil in around the roots gently firming as you go. Provide water during dry spells. Mulch well, keep competing vegetation (grass & weeds) away so the tree can establish itself.  A perimeter of 1m will suffice.  If you must prune, trim so limbs flush with the trunk, but leave the small portion of the collar or branch swelling, located at the base.  Apply a good pruning paste to the wounds. Give some water during summer drought until established.  Extremely long lived as the oldest is estimated to be 2,500 years old


Additional information

Weight 50 g