C. pepo. Bush type type. A beautiful yellow patty pan/custard summer squash. Thin tender skins and dense tight grained flesh keeps its shape when cooked (not like others which just go limp). Great flavour. I might not grow zucchini again. Best at the yellow stage as it gets a little tough at the orange skinned stage where its more suitable for soups, stews and perhaps dumpling/pierogi stuffing.
From German it translates as “Yellow English”. Productive. No pest or disease problems. Awesome sliced and cooked up with in butter and camelina oil, garlic and S&P. Still nice and firm when cooked. Walked through the days of scorching +40C heat no problem. My husband, who is not fond of squash, even went for seconds.
- Seed Count: 10-12
- Collection Date: Sept 2021
- Hardiness Zone: annual
- Height and Width: 1m x 1m bush
- Germination test type: hand sort
How to germinate “Gelber Englischer” squash seeds:
Sow seed 2cm deep in well draining moist warm medium. Keep warm (20-25C) as cold soils will reduce embryo metabolism and germination will not be optimum. Days to germ: 5-10. Habitat: full sun; deep fertile evenly moist well draining soil. Best in 30 cm tall hills; spaced 2m apart. Start outdoors after frost danger has passed or start indoors 3 weeks before transplant. Use deep containers for prime root systems if starting indoors.