Canadian and US customers only due to import restrictions.
An open pollinated Japanese cucumber with terrific sweet flavour and small seed cavity. Does well both outside and in the greenhouse. Is not prone to powdery mildew. White sweet crunchy, never bitter, flesh. Perfect for sushi or where long continuous lengths are desired as fruits can reach 45cm long. Grow on trellis to keep fruits straight. Hand pollinated.
- Seed Count: 8-10
- Collection Date: Aug 2023
- Hardiness Zone: garden annual
- Height and Width: climber
- Germination test type: float; cut
How to germinate Natsu Fushinari cucumber seeds:
We have a quick way to germinate these beauties. Place dry seed on bed of moist loose coconut coir in a labelled coffee filter. Fold the coffee filter to make a secure packet. Moisten using very warm (not hot tap water).NOT WET. Place into plastic bag. Place somewhere warm (we tuck ours under the grow lights with the tomato transplants). Get your sowing medium and pots ready as you WILL be transplanting them in 3-4 days. Time your transplant kids so they’re in the garden safely after the threat of frost has past.. Best as 3-4 week transplants. Heavy feeders, needs water & warmth. Habitat: warm well draining fertile soil; full to semi sun. Mulch. Strong trellis keeps bugs off cukes & easier harvests. Outside or Greenhouse culture. 4-4-4 liquid fertilizer every 1-2 weeks is good. Hates wet leaves & cold soil. ALWAYS water with warm water for happy vigorous plants (applies to tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and basil as well)
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