Rosa rugosa seed (Rugosa Rose)


Native to Eastern Asia from Japan, Korea to Siberia this sweetly fragrant rose is tough as nails being disease resistant. Protect young plants from deer until the thorns fully develop.

11 in stock


Seed is from a mix of white, pink, dark pink/purple flowering shrubs having single to double petaled forms.  Sweetly fragrant, hardy, disease and pest free.  Lovely deep green rugose leaves clothe this suckering shrub.  Huge red hips in the fall that look like cherry tomatoes and are a great source of Vit C.  There is sporadic flowering after the main flush in May-June . Brilliant yellow fall colour. The thorns provide ideal security landscape hedging when established. Drought tolerant when established.  One of  the easiest roses to grow as it needs almost no care in the landscape.  This species is native to eastern Asia from Japan to Siberia .

  • Seed Count: 25-30
  • Collection Date: Sept 2021
  • Hardiness Zone: 3-9
  • Height and Width: 2m x 2m
  • Germination test type: hand sort
  • Family: Rosaceae

How to germinate Rosa rugosa seed:

Soak seed 24 hours in tepid water. Sow thinly 10 mm deep. Keep moist; greater success with plastic cover. Cold stratify 8-12 weeks. Opt. germination temp: 15-22 C. Days to germ: 20-450.