Unique elegant tree unlike any other tree on the planet. Heart shaped purple-pink tinted leaves unfurl in early spring and pinkish red flowering spurs cluster at the nodes. Quite lovely. Gradually the leaves turn blue-green for summer, but come Autumn its colours of yellow, scarlet to tan brown are dramatic enough BUT its sweet caramelized sugar scent of the leaves makes this tree truly one of a kind. When harvesting I gathered some leaves and hung them up by the wood stove. OMG the house smells wonderful! Trouble free. Grows quickly. Gendered species.
- Seed Count: 25-30
- Collection Date: Oct 2020
- Hardiness Zone: 4-9
- Height and Width: 20m x 10m
- Germination test type: hand sort
How to germinate Cercidiphyllum japonicum seeds:
Easy to start. No special pre-treatment needed. Sow very thinly! Mix seed with a small quantity of coarse sand and spread evenly on prepared nursery pot of moisture retentive yet well draining medium. Press into surface. Do not cover seed. Keep moist; plastic cover improves germination but keep out of direct sun as surface seedlings will fry. Will germinate within 10-20 days at 20 C. Needs warmth to germinate so a heat mat or other bottom heat source will greatly increase your germination/seedling happiness level.
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