Apocynum androsaemifolium seeds (Dogbane)


A sweetly scented nectar producing native bushy 60 cm perennial with wiry stems. Tough as nails as its rhizomes push through hard packed sun baked logging roads. At first seeing it I thought it was a shrub. Loved by bees and hummingbirds. Scent is similar to lilac.


12 in stock


A sweetly scented nectar producing native bushy 60 cm perennial with wiry stems. Tough as nails as its rhizomes push through hard packed sun baked logging roads. At first seeing it I thought it was a shrub. Loved by bees and hummingbirds. Scent is similar to lilac.

  • Seed count: 25-30
  • Collection Date: Nov 2024
  • Hardiness: 3-10
  • Height and Width: 60cm x 1m
  • Preferred conditions: adaptable, suitable for dry poor soils
  • Germination test type: hand sort

How to germinate Apocynum adrosaemifolium seeds:

Cold stratify 30-60 days at 2-4 C. Germinate at 18-20 C. Fluff up well draining medium, sow and mist into medium as to barely cover seed. Give 20 hours light/day to germinate. Do not fertilize.