Agastache rugosa seed (Korean Mint)


In the mornings and evenings the flowers almost glow a violet.   Being attracted to ultraviolet light, this might explain why bees are drawn to it.  A premium nectar plant for honeybees/pollinators with as much as 400 kg/ha.,0,9.html

4 in stock


Short-lived perennial. Plant has an intense mint-anise flavour. 15cm spikes of purple flowers produced all summer & into fall. Bee magnet. Makes lovely soothing tea. Known in TCM as Huo Xiang and primarily used as a tea for digestive upsets and morning sickness.  Deer proof.

  • Seed Count: 50-75
  • Collection Date: Sept 2021
  • Hardiness Zones: 6-9
  • Height x Width:  1.5m x 90cm
  • Germination test type/results: actual germination (75%)

How to germinate Agastache rugosa seed:

Sow 4 mm deep. Keep moist; success better with plastic cover. Opt. germ temp: 15-22 C. Days to germ: 7-21. Habitat: full/semi sun; well draining garden soil. Non-invasive.

Additional information

Weight 2 g