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75 days. This is 8 ounce high acid beefsteak is one of my top 5 tomato. Its gorgeous coloring belays its beyond satisfying rich taste. It beat Cherokee Purple in taste. Foodies: each color has different flavor resulting in a spicy, sweet, tart tomato with good acid all in one. Its perfect in sandwiches or slices drizzled EVO oil and dressed with chopped basil. It would be the signature to any salad. I made my husband a sandwich with these beauties and I think if we weren’t already married, he’d propose.
Plants produced exceedingly well outside in pots in our weird cold spring and late-to-arrive summer.
- Seed Count: 25-30
- Collection Date: Sept 2020
- Hardiness Zone: annual
- Tomato type: regular leaf; indeterminate
- Germination test type: actual
How to germinate Green Berkeley Tie-Dye tomato seeds:
Sow 5 mm deep. Keep moist; plastic cover improves success. Opt. germination temp: 18-25 C. Days to germ: 5-10. All tomatoes drop their blooms when temperatures reach 85 F or greater, so make sure your tomatoes don’t get over heated. Blossom end rot is a nutritional disorder where a lack of calcium causes the fruit to rot from the blossom end so be sure you use something like rock phosphate (22% calcium) when amending your tomato beds/growing medium. Use mulch to retain moisture or prevent water from splashing up on your plants as tomatoes hate having their foliage wet…NEVER WATER FROM ABOVE…its like someone splashing a cold bucket of water on you!
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