Tomato “Ardwyna” seeds


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We compared “Ardwyda” to “Polish Giant Paste” for production, taste and overall performance.  Personally I found not much difference between the two.  Both are large (+1 lb) paste types with great taste.  Either way, you will not be disappointed. Great fresh, sauce, dried, and rendered for paste. Firm meaty flesh.  Use strong canes.

2 in stock


Due to Import restrictions, we can only ship to Canadian and US customers

80-85 days. We grew this to compare it to “Polish Giant Paste” for production, taste and overall performance.  Personally I found not much difference between the two.  Both are large (+1 lb) paste types with great taste.  Grow both to compare for yourself, but either way, you will not be disappointed. Great fresh, sauce, dried, and rendered for paste. Firm meaty flesh.  Use strong canes.

  • Seed count: 25-30
  • Collection date: Sept 2018
  • Hardiness: annual
  • Tomato type: indeterminate, regular leaf; large paste
  • Germination test type: hand sort

How to germinate Ardwyna tomato seeds:

Sow 5 mm deep. Keep moist; clear plastic cover improves success. Opt. germ temp: 25-28 C. Days to germ: 5-10. Warm moist medium (25-28C) best when sowing. Warm water to mist; gives good seed/medium contact thus jump start germination process. Watering? ALWAYS use warm 25-28C water, keeps root mitochondria happy & vigorous. A plant is only as good as its roots. Give strong indirect light. At 3rd true leaf, transplant into separate containers. Amend medium with rock phosphate, Gaia Green 4-4-4, & greensand.Weekly amend water with 1 tbsp soluble kelp powder & 1 tbsp blackstrap molasses per 5 gal. Blossom end rot=calcium deficiency. Mulch retains moisture. Never use cold water.




Additional information

Weight 3 g


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