Canadian & US customers only.
Perilla frutescens. An amazing Asian culinary herb imparts a complex cumin- citrus flavor to many dishes. Loves sun; average soil. Drought tolerant when established. Use fresh, dried, tempura, sushi etc. Easy to grow. Very few if any pest or disease problems. It can self sow.
- Seed Count: +30
- Collection Date: Oct 2019
- Hardiness Zone: garden annual
- Height and Width: 1m x 1m
- Preferred conditions: Full to semi sun; humus rich acidic soil
- Germination test type: actual +60%
How to germinate Shiso (Perilla frutescens) seeds:
Best germination; cold stratify seeds prior to sowing. Mix seeds with a tsp of moist sand. Refrigerate (2c) for 7 days. Do not freeze nor add too much water or the seeds can mould. Once cold stratified, then soak in warm water overnight to further promote germination. Surface sow by spreading sand/seed mix thinly over medium surface. Mist into medium. Cover with clear plastic & provide light as seed needs light to germinate. Give 25-30C. Sprouts in 11-30 days. Mist often; if sprouting seed dries out when the delicate root is emerging = leading cause of germination disasters. Habitat: full to semi sun; well draining average soil.
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