Rutabaga “Marion” seeds


Excellent autumn & winter 2kg root veggie. Tastes of kohlrabi when raw. Delicious roasted, mashed, in soups & stews. Tasty greens fresh for salads, steamed like spinach or dried to garnish rice. Frost tolerant.

85 in stock


Excellent autumn & winter 2kg root veggie. Tastes of kohlrabi when raw. Delicious roasted, mashed, in soups & stews. Tasty greens fresh or dried to garnish rice. Frost tolerant. Thrives in moist soil. When mulched, can be left in the ground throughout winter.  Dependable winter crop. Easy, even for novice gardeners.

  • Seed Count: 300
  • Collection Date: July 2018
  • Hardiness Zone: garden biannual
  • Height and Width: 70cm x 30cm
  • Germination test type: actual

How to germinate Marion Rutabaga seeds:

Direct sow 1cm deep mid-June-mid July. Sow thinly; needs 15cm space for best bulbous roots. Thinned plants are great as greens. Opt. soil temp: 18-21C. Germs: 7-15 days. Heavy feeder; loves rich loamy soil; amend bed with Gaia Green 4-4-4, lime & compost. Water religiously in hot dry weather. Fast growing roots; mulch heavy Oct. if left to overwinter. Great baked, raw, mashed, etc. Stores well for months in fridge/ cool room. Rewarding. Nutritious. Raw: tastes of kohlrabi. Awesome when mashed with roasted carrots

Additional information

Weight 5 g


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