Lettuce, looseleaf “Drunken Woman” seeds


55 Days. This variety makes one huge head of lettuce of very tasty tender crinkled leaves. One is enough for one robust salad for a large family.

5 in stock


55 Days. This variety makes one huge head of lettuce of very tasty tender crinkled leaves. One is enough for one robust salad for a large family. Apt enough name…when young the plants are neat and orderly, but the leaf pattern becomes…er…a little more ‘free’ or ‘relaxed’ as my sisters would say. Over the years, plants with red leaves have been selected for seed saving.

  • Seed Count: 100-150
  • Collection Date: Aug 2018
  • Hardiness Zone: annual
  • Habitat: fertile cool moist soils; full/semi sun
  • Germination test type: actual germination 90%

How to germinate lettuce seeds:

Thinly sow and barely cover; tamp firm & mist. Greater success with clear cover. Gentle bottom heat (15C) promotes germination. Days to germ: 5-10. Grow at 10C in fertile soil. Use liquid kelp for the best salad greens. Heat & intense sun is lettuce’s enemy so its best to grow in a cool site shady site in summer or suffer bitter greens.





Additional information

Weight 5 g


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