Vaccinium uliginosum seed (Bog Bilberry)


A delightful dwarf PNW evergreen shrub that is tough as nails. Pink flowers soon appear after the thaw. The foliage has a neat gray tint. Fruits tend to hide under the leaves. Thin skinned. Very sweet and very juicy. It left my hands stained. Much sweeter than V. ovalifolium (Wild Blueberry).

25 in stock


This PNW dwarf evergreen fruiting shrub is found around the 1400m alpine zone. As soon as the snow is gone, gorgeous spherical dark pink flowers festoon the shrub in June giving a nectar bounty to bumblebees and other native pollinators. By mid August, fruits begin to ripen. Picking should be done by hand as the skins are very tender. The sweet flavour is outstanding. Ever have someone serve you a blueberry pie sweetened with brown sugar and spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg? Yeah, it tastes just like that. More went in my face when seed collecting, it shouldn’t be considered seed collecting.

I love the thick roundish leaves with its red margin.

  • Seed Count: 50-75
  • Collection Date: Aug 2024
  • Hardiness Zone: 2-7
  • Height and Width: 40cm x +30cm
  • Germination test type: float
  • Family: Ericaceae

How to germinate Vaccinium uliginosum seeds:

Soak seed 12 hrs.  Either sow directly in pots/trays or baggie sow in a little bit of coarse silica sand. Requires 12 weeks cold stratification. There is no freezing temp requirement as 2-4C is sufficient. Needs light to germinate and 10-15C. Germination begins after 2 weeks. Seedling roots are very delicate are very prone to drying out; it is essential to keep seed moist so mist daily and use a clear plastic cover. A sowing medium of finely milled peat with a 10% (by volume) coarse silica sand (20/30 grade) or something similar used for rhododendron seeds.  One document states germination rates can range from 49-95%. There is an interesting note of germination of 60% achieved in darkness.

Additional information

Weight 2 g