Vaccinium membranaceum seed (Mountain Huckleberry)


PNW shrub.  Berries are larger than wild blueberries. The taste has greater depth and much sweeter. Imagine blueberries sweetened with golden brown sugar and you have a good idea how delicious these are. No wonder they are much sought after. Its thin skins makes for delicate picking as they mature.  Prefers open woodland and full sun. Hates deep shade.


This small PNW shrub bears much sought after delicious sweet berries.  In the wild, it is found in open sub-alpine and alpine forests with little or no competing vegetation and does well in moist sites.  It can make a thicket of clones as it spreads mainly by rhizomes. History suggests First Nations maintained vast groves of mountain huckleberry with controlled burns to keep out competing vegetation.  Easy to distinguish from blueberries as the berries don’t have a white bloom so they always appear black.  Known by many names as Black Huckleberry, Thinleaf Huckleberry and Big Huckleberry.  With fruits being as large as 10m. Drought tolerant.  Scarlet fall colour. Fibrous root system does not appear to have a tap root. Best to grow in pots then seat out.

  • Seed Count: 50-75
  • Collection Date: Aug 2024
  • Hardiness Zone: 4-9
  • Height and Width: 1.5m x +1.5m
  • Germination test type: float
  • Family: Ericaceae

How to germinate Vaccinum membranaceum seeds:

Seed is surface sown on finely milled peat and kept moist. Seed requires light for germination.  A brief stratification may increase overall germination.  Seeds germinate 16 to 21 days after sowing. Give strong indirect light. Fibrous root system does not appear to have a tap root. Best to grow in pots then seat out.


Additional information

Weight 2 g

pkt, 1 gram