Trochodendron aralioides seeds (Cartwheel Tree)


A lovely evergreen with thick glossy toothed edged rubbery leaves arranged in spiral whorls at the stem tips. Aptly named for the wheel like bright chartreuse coloured staemens that circle the stigma. Dense flowering with 15 cm long clusters along branches and twigs.

8 in stock


A lovely evergreen with thick glossy toothed edged rubbery leaves arranged in spiral whorls at the stem tips. Aptly named for the wheel like bright chartreuse coloured staemens that circle the stigma. Dense flowering with 15 cm long clusters along branches and twigs. Chocolate brown bark. Tolerant of both heat, cold and seasonal flooding. Considered one of the most primitive plants in existence. Fast growing in its youth (2m in 3-4 years) reaches 5m or so at maturity. Long lived. Pest free. Flowers on previous year’s wood so take care when pruning.

  • Seed Count: 35-40
  • Collection Date: Dec 2021
  • Hardiness Zone: 6-10
  • Height and Width: 4m x 4m
  • Germination test type: hand sort

How to germinate Trochodendron seeds:

Seed needs light to germinate. Surface sow on a coarse sand sowing layer of a prepared growing pot filled with well draining humus rich medium. Sow thinly; mist seed; keep moist with repeated mistings. Use a clear plastic cover to maintain humidity and allow light. Light should not be direct light, but strong indirect light. Germinates promptly at 28 C. Better germination at lower growing temps if seed is given dry cold treatment temps of 1C to 3C which is already done under our seed storage. Don’t ever let tender seedlings to dry out nor fry in the sun.




Additional information

Weight 6 g


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