Fast growing being capable of reaching 2m in its second year from seed. Beautiful tree unique lobed shaped leaves. Fruit, leaves, bark & twigs used for many ailments in TCM. 3cm cylindrical very tasty white to dark purple pectin rich fruits. Protect from slugs; they love tender seedlings.
- Seed Count: 30-35
- Collection Date: July 2023
- Hardiness Zone: 4-9
- Preferred conditions: Full to semi sun; humus rich deep acidic soils
- Height and Width: 6m x 5m
- Germination test type: hand sort
- Family: Moraceae
How to germinate Morus alba seeds:
Soak seed 24-36 hours in warm water. Change water 3x. No cold stratification needed, but 60 days of moist 2C conditions (in baggie) gives uniform germination rates. Surface sow, mist well for best seed-medium contact; keep moist via misting and use a clear plastic dome (or WHY) to maintain humidity. We’ve had them germinate in 4-6 days at 23-28C. Outdoors alternate: mix with sand to ease sowing thinly in the fall for spring germination.