A distinctive woody shrub with dense arching branching. Highly fragrant soft yellow flowers are borne in pairs along leaf axils create a profuse display from May to July. In autumn, unusual translucent milky fruits are perfect 7mm orbs where you can clearly see a black seed suspended within. Lovely blue-green oval foliage has a downy underside. Pale shedding bark on older wood, purple tinted new growth. No disease problems to date.
- Seed Count: 20-25
- Collection Date: Oct 2019
- Hardiness Zone: 6-9
- Height and Width: 4m x 4m. Dense growth.
- Germination test type: float
- Family: Caprifoliaceae
How to germinate Lonicera quinquelocularis seeds:
Soak seed 24-36 hours. If you sow in containers, do so in late winter to early spring as seed needs 2 months cold stratification. Cover seed 5mm and give a thin layer of fine mulch if you have it. Keep moist. Don’t let freeze. If you baggie sow, use enough fine milled moist peat to keep seed moist. Give 2 months of 2-5C in the fridge then give gentle warmth.
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