A deciduous shrubby member of the honeysuckle family reaching up to 3 meters in height with equal spread. Leaves are a dark blue-green and somewhat resemble magnolia leaves. Twin tubular yellow flowers are borne at nodes. Black shiny twin berries are set within purple/magenta bracts providing a very nice contrast.
- Seed Count: 30-40
- Collection Date: June 2020
- Hardiness Zone: 5-9
- Height and Width: 3m x 3m
- Germination test type: float
- Family: Caprifoliaceae
How to germinate Lonicera involucrata seeds:
Soak seed 24 hours then sow 4mm deep and tamp surface firm. Apply a fine mulch to retain moisture. Cold stratify 60-90 days then expose to Spring like conditions of 20 C for germination.
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