Originating in Australia’s Southern highlands and Tasmania where it experiences snow, ice and fierce winds, it is perhaps the hardiest member of the Eucalypt genus. Narrow lance shaped evergreen waxy leaves are very thick and placed somewhat sparingly which likely helps let snow pass through instead of accumulating in the branches. In spring, dense clusters white flower starbursts open from red tipped green 1cm long pillared florets. Bees and other pollinators will come to the abundant nectar flow. Honey produces has a distinctive spicy peppery taste. Requires full sun and very well draining soils as water logged soils will kill it. Fibrous root system allows it to be grown in pots and it transplants well. Survived unscathed after 7-10 days of -15C in Dec 2021-Jan 2022.
- Seed Count: 12-15
- Collection Date: Nov 2021
- Hardiness Zone: 7-10
- Height and Width: 5m x 8m
- Germination test type: hand sort
How to germinate Eucalyptus pauciflora seeds:
Needs 6 weeks cold stratification. Best to thinly sow fine seed on prepared well draining medium (in pots) and mist it into the medium for optimum seed-medium contact. Keep moist via misting and a clear plastic cover. Give gentle warmth when cold stratification period is over. Don’t let medium dry out as this will kill any emerging seedling roots. Let them grow to their natural horizontal orientation as they will eventually right themselves.
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