Davidia involucrata seeds (Dove Tree)


Canadian customers: please select the large seed option in the drop down shipping menu.

Beautiful flowering shade tree. Its spreading branches are covered with huge white silk handkerchief like flowers that flutter in a breeze somewhat resembling a flock of doves. Fast growing.

7 in stock


Canadian customers: please select the large seed option in the drop down shipping menu. These are large +2cm multi embryo-ed  nuts, otherwise you will 1) receive puny small seed that may not contain embryos; or 2) have it removed from your order.

Beautiful flowering shade tree. Its spreading branches are covered with huge white silk handkerchief like flowers that flutter in a breeze somewhat resembling a flock of doves fanning their wings. To me the blooms smell like freshly brewed coffee.  Beautiful cinnamon coloured bark that flakes off in irregular patches.  Lovely heart shaped leaves with uniform edge serrations. Fast growing.

  • Seed Count: 6-7
  • Collection Date: November 2024
  • Hardiness Zone: 5-9
  • Height and Width:
  • Germination test type: cut
  • Family: Nyssaceae

How to germinate Davidia involucrata seeds:

Fresh seed. When you receive the seeds, place them in a resealable baggie of moistened peat warm stratify 120 days followed by 90 days of cold stratification. Brief periods of warm followed by cold also initiate germination, which can be rapid. Sow seeds 3 cm deep in a sowing layer of equal parts coarse sand, non oyster shell bird grit (stone), perlite and peat. May take 18 months to germinate or more or less! I’ve had seed germinate in the warm stratification process, so check often and stir seed in the moist peat. This is my 10th year growing this species from seed, with great success in the previous. Please note that there up to 10 seed chambers per nut so when a seedling or seedlings slip free from the nut, place the nut back into stratification to break dormancy of any remaining embryos. It has been suggested that seeds should be frozen before being placed in the ground as freezing seems to shorten the period of dormancy. Frozen seeds will usually germinate in from twelve to fifteen months.




Additional information

Weight 50 g
Dimensions 2.3 cm


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