Amelanchier alnifolia seeds (Saskatoon)


Looks greats in any landscape. Oval blue green leaves, open spike like clusters of ivory strap petal flowers in mid April followed by blueberry like fruits in early summer. If you can beat the birds to the fruit, consider yourself lucky

4 in stock


This hardy multipurpose shrub looks great in any landscape. Oval blue green leaves are a back drop for open spike like clusters of ivory strap petal flowers in mid May. Loved by nectar seekers in spring. Berries start off green, turn white, take on a blush then ripen to resemble blueberries. If you can beat the birds to the fruit, consider yourself lucky. Great in pies, jams, jellies, wine, or pemmican.

Local shrub/trees vary in size from 2-5 meters in height with near equal spread. Loves mulch. Prune sparingly as fruit is produced on last year’s new growth. Fruit production is enhanced in cool micro-climates in warmer climates (zone 7 or better) and even moisture. A tough plant adaptable to varying soils except wet dense clay.

Known by many common names such as: Juneberry, Shadbush, Pigeon berry and Serviceberry to name a few.

  • Seed Count: 20-25
  • Collection Date:  August 2024
  • Hardiness Zone: 4-9
  • Height and Width: 2-9m x 1-5m
  • Preferred conditions: Sunny sites; well draining soils
  • Germination test type: hand sort
  • Family: Rosaceae

How to germinate Amelanchier alnifolia seeds:

Soak seed 24 hours. Place seed in reseal able baggie of equal parts moist peat and sand. Cold stratify at 4C for 90-180 days. Sow shallow (4 mm deep) as it might need some light to germinate. Give 15-18 C to germinate in 30 days. Alternate: fall sowing in deep pots and use fine mulch to keep seed moist. Should germinate readily in spring. If it means anything, lots sprout at the base of our large dogwoods and rhododendrons.


Additional information

Weight 2 g


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