Acer griseum seeds (Paperbark Maple)


Exceptional cut test of +80%.  Beautiful paper thin peeling cinnamon coloured layered bark. Autumn colour consists of brilliant oranges and reds. A very distinctive and unusual maple hardy enough to be used as a street tree in full sun. Relatively slow growing.



7 in stock


Beautiful paper thin peeling cinnamon coloured layered bark. If this wasn’t distinctive enough, the green trifoliate leaves are often coarsely serrated or lobed. Autumn colour consists of brilliant oranges and reds. A very distinctive and unusual maple hardy enough to be used as a street tree in full sun. Relatively slow grower that will eventually reach 14 meters tall with about equal spread in 50 years. Tolerant of clay soils. No pest problems.  Exceptional cut test of +80%.

  • Seed Count: 15-20
  • Collection Date: Nov 2023
  • Hardiness Zone: 5-9
  • Height and Width: 14m x 14m
  • Preferred conditions: Full to semi sun; humus rich acidic soil
  • Germination test type: cut test results: +80%

How to germinate Acer griseum seeds:

Sow thinly at 6 mm deep in a sandy peat layer; tamp firm. Cold stratify for 60-120 days. Keep moist. Add a thin layer of fine mulch to anchor seed down. Don’t let germinating seed freeze, dry out or migrate onto the surface as this is fatal. After cold stratification period is over, expose to spring conditions to promote germination. Good indirect light is best for seedlings. Protect seed/seedlings from rodents. I prick out seedlings when dormant and grow in individual pots for first 2-3 years for best results.