Prunus virginiana seed (Black Chokecherry)


Ukrainian Canadians made a great dark purple-red wine with this fruit and fortified it with whiskey.  It is rumored that a glassful everyday kept the doctor away.

11 in stock


Despite the unappealing common name “Chokecherry”,  the fruit is surprisingly tasty.  This particular tree we collected from has quite a history. Originating in Ontario, it made its way to a homestead in Alberta before coming to coastal BC.  White bottle brush flowers festoon the branches/twigs in the spring bringing in the bees in abundance.  In mid-late August its time to pick the black fruit clusters before the migrating birds clean you out.  Story is that the Ukrainian Canadians made a great dark purple-red wine with this fruit and fortified it with whiskey.  It is rumored that a glassful everyday kept the doctor away.

A small hardy shrub tree that is much underused.  No disease or pest problems to note.

  • Seed Count: 12-15
  • Collection Date: August 2021
  • Habitat: adaptable to many well draining soils; full-semi sun. Needs a minimum of 38cm of water/rain a year to produce.
  • Hardiness Zone: 3-9
  • Height and Width: 4-6m x 4-6m
  • Germination test type: germination/float-sink test

How to germinate Prunus virginiana seed:

Best if sown in the fall for a full 120-160 days of cold stratification.  Medium should be well draining and peat based.  Germination should happen in the spring.  If not sown in the fall, baggie sow in moist peat based medium placed in resealable clear plastic freezer bag and place it in the fridge. Mark the calendar or mark/label the bag. When cold stratification cycle is complete give a temp regime of 27ºC day / 21ºC night gave 52% germination.  Prick out seedlings and transplant as seeds germinate. Give seedlings strong indirect light and don’t let medium dry out.  Any baggie sown seed not germinating can be given another round of cold stratification.  Sometimes it takes 18 months to germinate so don’t toss the pots or be too quick to transplant if sowing in a communal germination pot.





Additional information

Weight 4 g