Lonicera caerulea seeds (Haskap; Honeyberry)


Seed is from large fruited varieties of improved named cultivars.

In early spring, soft yellow clusters of short trumpet shaped flowers are easily pollinated by a variety of insects.  Over the summer 2cm long plump cylindrical shaped fruits ripen from green to a dazzling evening sky blue.  Very tender skins tear easily with rough handling. Best to harvest with a drop cloth, basin, cardboard sheets or WHY and shaking the bush.

9 in stock


Seed is from large fruited varieties of improved cultivars. Relatively unknown a dozen years ago, haskap is becoming popular as a berry bush for the home gardener.  In spring, soft yellow clusters of short trumpet shaped flowers are easily pollinated by a variety of insects.  Over the summer 2cm long plump cylindrical shaped fruits ripen from green to a dazzling evening sky blue.  Don’t be tempted to harvest too early otherwise the flavour hasn’t fully developed.  When fully ripe the taste is of a combo of blueberry, strawberry with notes of raspberry.

Notoriously self sterile with pollen being released at different times when the female bits are receptive so its best to plant several to cover the successful pollination window.  I advise planting your bushes in a block formation to shorten the distance pollinators need to travel from one plant to another.  Attractive densely branched shrubs can bear a lot of fruit.  Ripe juicy thin skinned fruits must be handled carefully otherwise damaged fruits must be used quickly for jam, jelly, cordials, etc.  Can be dried.  Fruit is showing many health benefits in recent research by Dr. Vasantha Rupasinghe and his team at Delhousie University in Nova Scotia.

The name haskap (has-ka-o-p) comes from the indigenous Ainu people of Japan meaning ‘many fruits on branches and refereed it as the berry of long life and good eyesight

Here is an interesting read on the health benefits of haskap. https://plaidshirtfarms.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/2018-Haskap-Review-.pdf

  • Seed Count: 12-15
  • Collection Date: June 2023
  • Hardiness Zone: 4-9
  • Height and Width: 2m x 1.5m
  • Preferred conditions: Full to semi sun; humus rich acidic soil
  • Germination test type: float/sink
  • Family: Caprifoliaceae

How to germinate Lonicera caerulea seeds:

Fresh seed is the best for optimum germination.  Soak seed 24 hours.  Give 2 months cold stratification and thinly sow as seedlings will develop a dense fibrous root system that will be difficult to untangle when separating.  Give 18-25C to germinate.  Temps lower than 12C will give erratic germination. Temps higher than 30C can kill the embryo.  Some folks have germinated successfully sowing cut up berries and sowing the bits in a peat-perlite mix in the late summer for seedlings in May.  Don’t let seedlings dry out as this will kill any emerging roots from germinating seed.

Additional information

Weight 3 g


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