Albizia julibrissin seeds (Pink Silk Tree)


6 in stock


A graceful tree with fern like bi-pinnate leaves that, like all mimosas, fold up at night. The fragrant pink brush like fan shaped fuzzy mid-late summer blooms attract hummingbirds and admiring onlookers. Blooms at a young age.  Fast growing.

  • Seed Count: 12-15
  • Collection Date: Nov 2017
  • Hardiness Zone: 6-9
  • Height and Width: 10m x 10m (maximum size)
  • Preferred conditions: Warm sunny sites; well draining garden soil
  • Germination test type: actual
  • Family: Fabaceae

How to germinate Albrizia julibrisin seeds:

Super easy. Soak seed 5 hours in warm water (32C) .  I use a heat retaining stainless steel coffee mug (with sealing lid) I take on road and/or seed collecting trips so the water stays warm.  Collect seed in a fine colander/screen/sieve. Place seed in resealable baggie of moist warm medium.  Place baggie somewhere warm (28-32C). Should start seeing roots emerge in 2-4 days. Prick out and transplant when roots are 2cm long into communal growing pot. Give strong indirect light. Do not let seedlings dry out.  Fast grower.



Additional information

Weight 3 g


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