Romneya coulteri seeds (Matilija Poppy)


A refreshing citrus-apricot perfume wafts from the pleated white silk flowers May to frost.  Huge 20cm blooms are much loved by bees as the attractive orange boss of stamens provide a bounty of pollen and nectar. Grayish blue-green lobed cut leaves resemble those of a tree peony.  Semi woody stiff stems.

1 in stock


A refreshing citrus-apricot perfume wafts from the pleated white silk flowers May to frost.  Huge blooms are much loved by bees as the attractive orange boss of stamens provide a bounty of pollen and nectar. Grayish blue-green lobed cut leaves resemble those of a tree peony.  Semi woody stiff stems. Will slowly spread via rhizome runners. The trick in growing this beauty is sharp drainage, full sun and a warm site. Over watering this plant will kill it and its recommended not to water after April to mimic its native California environment.  I nearly gave myself whiplash when spotting these beauties.

    • Seed Count: 30-40
    • Collection Date: Dec 2023
    • Hardiness Zone: 7-10
    • Height and Width: +2m x +2m
    • Germination test type: hand sort
    • Family: Papaveraceae

How to germinate Romneya coulteri seeds:

Pre treated seed. Has been scarified then given an 8 minute cold conifer needle smoke treatment.   Surface sow using a well draining medium. Seed needs light. Don’t let seedlings dry out plastic cover is good but don’t EVER over water. Best if started in plugs or small pots as this species detests root disturbance via pricking out so thinly sow for good robust non congested seedlings. Baggie sowing with barely moist coarse sand (don’t use vermiculite) only to provide 1-4 weeks of cold stratification before sowing to grow also increases the germination rate.


Additional information

Weight 2 g


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