Nephrophyllidium crista-galli seed (Deer-cabbage)


PNW herbaceous alpine perennial. Thick glossy kidney shaped leaves, fleshy stems, and gorgeous flowers. For perpetually damp boggy sites, shoreline of ponds and shallow lakes. Needs full sun and nutrient poor acidic humus rich soil

9 in stock


A delicate looking PNW fleshy herbaceous alpine plant almost looks out of place in the tough rugged terrain.  A tight cluster of wavy edged white flowers adorn fleshy stalks held high above the foliage; perhaps this aids pollinators when flooding covers the leaves the flowers are held above the water line. Can make very attractive massive colonies via spreading underground rhizomes. Finds is home in alpine regions of western north America and eastward to Japan.

As mentioned previously it grows in wet meadows alongside Gentians en-masse with the odd Labrador tea shrub.  Its quite a sight. One day I’ll get a decent photo.

  • Seed Count: 25-30
  • Collection Date: September 2024
  • Hardiness Zone: 4a-8
  • Height and Width: 30cm x 2m
  • Habitat: sunny sites; well draining nutrient poor humus rich acidic moist soils.
  • Family: Menyanthaceae

How to germinate Nephrophyllidium crista-galli seeds

There is very little if any germination literature. But it grows along side Gentiana sceptrum, so I’m guessing the protocols are similar if not identical.  Soak seed 12 hours then cold stratify 80-90 days in coffee filters (they are less prone to disintegrate vs papertowel) in a resealable plastic bag in the fridge. Check baggie often if there any early sprouters & transplant. Place stratified seed in a coolish spot with strong indirect light. Keep moist. Check often. Transplant those into moist humus rich nutrient poor medium. Keep moist via misting. Clear plastic cover increases seedling success. No bottom heat.





Additional information

Weight 2 g