Lilium columbianum seeds (Columbia Lily)


A PNW native lily we found in a local clear cut receiving full hot sun, but obviously do better with some shade, humus rich soils, and supplemental water when the forest was standing. Drought tolerant. Up to 30 blooms/stem. Can flower 3  yrs after transplant. Protect from deer.

8 in stock


A PNW native lily. Does well in full sun and average soils, but obviously will do better with some shade, humus rich soils, and supplemental water in a garden setting. Drought tolerant. Up to 30 blooms/stem. Can flower 3  yrs after transplant. Protect from deer.

  • Seed Count: 15-20
  • Collection Date:  Aug 2023
  • Hardiness Zone: 4-9
  • Height and Width: 1-2m tall
  • Germination test type: hand sort
  • Family: Liliaceae

How to germinate Lilium columbianum seeds:

Immediate hypogeal type. Cool germination (small bult first, single leaf later). Soak seed 24 hours. Mix with 3 tbsp of just moist sand/milled peat medium in resealable baggie. Give 9-11C. Higher or lower temps not ideal. Germs in 30-60 days. True leaf forms 60-90 days after Keep watch! Transplant leafed seedlings into pots to grow on. Unsprouted seed? Give 3 months 2C & repeat 9-11C cycle. Prefers full sun; very well draining acidic soil. I’ve seen these growing in very coarse soils with a thin layer of humus where the bulb is well seated in the coarse soil (mix of sand, gravel and humus). Drought tolerant. Up to 30 blooms/stem. Can flower 3  yrs after transplant.

Additional information

Weight 3 g


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