Dicentra formosa seeds (Western Bleeding Heart)


PNW native perennial. Soft fern like foliage and dangling pink heart shaped flowers are borne on long stems much loved by bumblebees. One of the first of the wildflowers to flower usually starting in mid March.


26 in stock


PNW native wildflower. Does well in both full sun and shade.  In mid March the plant slowly erupts from dormancy to unfurl leaves and flowers. Mid pink bleeding heart shaped flowers barely hover over the soft dissected foliage.  Even as seed capsules ripen, the pink flowers persist.  By mid summer the plant goes into dormancy. By fall nothing remains except for the pink fleshy rhizomes that lay just under the soil surface.  Will spread making a good sized clump. Much loved by bumblebees and despite it being out in the open, deer and rabbits are not tempted to nibble on it. Near pest free. Not for high traffic areas as plant is easily damaged.

  • Seed Count: 30-35
  • Collection Date: June 2022
  • Hardiness Zone: 4-8
  • Height and Width: 20cm x 30cm
  • Germination test type: hand sort
  • Family: Papaveraceae

How to germinate Dicentra formosa seeds:

Soak seed 12-24 hours. Press seed into moist medium surface; freeze (plastic jar is perfect) for 6 weeks. Germinates at 13 C. Days to germ: 30-45. Habitat: cool shady areas similar to open forest; moist average soil in spring; drought tolerant in summer; deer, pest and disease proof; blooms long time; great maintenance free ground cover.


Additional information

Weight 3 g

pkt, 1g


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