Camassia leichtlinii seeds (Great Camas)


PNW flowering perennial.  As the name suggests, it is much taller than the common camas.  Best in sunny dry sites in sun or dappled shade of an open landscape. Makes an edible bulb harvested by First Nations. If allowed, it will spread making a field of purple blue starry flowers that bloom in succession (bottom to top) giving a longer lived display. Needs deeper soil than C. quamash.  Loved by bumblebees. Carefree, deer proof perennial.

16 in stock


This stunning PNW native perennial has been adopted by the nursery trade for its taller form, unique star shaped flowers which range in colour from white to dark indigo all contrasted by brilliant yellow stamens. Much loved by pollinators. Prefers deep damp soils. Deer and rodent resistant.

The info from the RNGR folks can prove valuable to optimum success to site position and ethnobotany uses. C. leichtlinii is mentioned.

  • Seed Count: 25-30
  • Collection Date: July 2024
  • Hardiness Zone: 4-9
  • Height and Width: 75cm x 20cm
  • Germination test type: hand sort
  • Family: Liliaceae

How to germinate Camassia seed:

Soak seed 24 hours. Cold stratify 45-100 days.  Alternately sow outdoors in Fall-early winter where the soil will not freeze.  Germination can happen in the dark, so watch the seed if cold stratifying in the fridge.  Prefers cool temps to germinate (4C) so no heat mats or additional warmth is required.  Germinates readily. Can be sown en masse in 1 gallon pots and pricked out when dormant.

Additional information

Weight 3 g