Achlys triphylla seeds (Vanilla Leaf)


A shallow rooted ground covering herbaceous native to our BC mixed forests. A lovely near carefree herbaceous ground cover with three broad soft green leaves gracefully wave in the slightest breeze.

20 in stock


A lovely carefree herbaceous ground cover with three broad soft green leaves gracefully wave in the slightest breeze. Spikes of small white flowers which look like mini feather dusters are held above the foliage in mid-late May. Quite a sight when growing in large colonies. Spreads by seed and by rhizomes.  Drought tolerant when established. Being a native plant, it co-evolved with our wacky BC coastal climate of rain drenched winters and dry summers. Pick yellow fall leaves and hang in a closet as they perfume up a room with its soft vanilla scent.

  • Seed Count: 12-15
  • Collection Date: July 2023
  • Hardiness Zone: 6-9
  • Height and Width: 45cm x 45cm
  • Preferred conditions: dappled open woodland; well draining humus rich soil
  • Germination test type: hand sort

How to germinate Achlys triphylla seeds:

Soak seed 24 hours. Prepare a surface sowing medium of finely milled peat moss (or compost or leaf mould) with small bit of sand for drainage. Surface sow; tamp seed into surface and thinly cover with sand. Mist well and keep moist. Needs 18-22C for 2-4 weeks; then freezing temps (-5C) for 4-6 weeks. Germinate at cool temps of 5-12C. Never provide strong direct light, especially hot sun.

Additional information

Weight 10 g


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