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Bareroot Shipments & Conditions

To begin, I thank you all for your continued support for independent propagators and seed savers

We are opening the store for the Fall 2023 bareroot shipments. I know many of you have waited all too long for this looking at the “email me” notifications. Sending plants from BC can be challenging since Canada is a big place. Only you know when its the best time so please use the comment box when making out your order.

Simple rhizomes and small plants can fit in the $24 shipping option. Larger plants need to be custom boxed. Please use the “Plant” option.

If you have a large order, more than likely we will have to give you a quote. We need your address to give you an estimate. We prefer to have payment prior to boxing & shipping. Its labor intensive. Cancelled orders already boxed we will retain 30% of the bareroot value.


Please inspect your order immediately upon arrival. Some plants might be given an origami treatment to fit into the box. The sooner you can unfurl them, the better. If there is a problem due to shipping, we will be able to file a claim in a timely manner. Once it leaves our hands and in yours, our responsibility ends. Its up to you to ensure your plant kids alive and thrive. We do not guarantee our plants will grow for you or be hardy in your area. We will ship any plant to any area. If you kill it, it doesn’t make it through a winter or doesn’t sprout the next year, you run over it, a squirrel eats it, if it is too wet, gets frozen, gets stepped on, your neighbors dog pees on it we take no responsibility for it, these things are all beyond our control. Sometimes we grow a plant for years only to see it killed by neglect or kindness in two weeks. We ship healthy, true to name plants usually on Mondays or Tuesdays. However, our quality guarantee expires after the plants have been in transit to you for more than 7 days. If your area is going to experience freezing temps during the shipping period where plants can be damaged, please notify us. We will hold them for you and ship in the spring.

US Customers

US customers should be aware that you might need an import permit to accompany your paperwork to successfully pass customs. Please inquire to your USDA during this dormant time. Send me your permit via email before ordering. We cannot ship plants outside North America.