Corylus maxima “Kentish Cob” bareroot



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Corylus maxima “Kentish Cob” is probably the best known UK variety due to it being a reliable heavy cropper of large wedge shaped excellent flavoured nuts along with its resistance to pests & disease. An attractive bushy tree-shrub produces a mass of yellow catkins in late winter/early spring. You can hear the bees working from a good distance as they harvest pollen.  By late August-early spring, you are harvesting filberts before the rains begin. Nuts are 12% – 17% protein and are rich in vitamin E and calcium. Self fertile.  Organic grown. Mycorrhizae inoculated. 

  • Available when temps for shipping are ideal
  • Plant type: Deciduous  nut tree
  • Size: 8m tall x 8m wide.
  • Hardiness Zones: 3-9
  • Habitat: Sun to semi sun; rich loamy acidic soils.
  • Family: Betulaceae

Care: you should have chose a site already when you ordered. In general dig a hole at least 60cm x 60cm deep and wide. Pick out large stones from the soil; sift if necessary; amend with some organic fertilizer such as 4-4-4 (not manure).

As always, an important consideration when choosing where to plant a nut tree is drainage. Most trees will not thrive in soils that drains too slowly. Test by digging a hole at least 30cm deep and fill with water.It should drain in 3 hours.

We want to add the note as sometimes we have to get creative and origami your trees to fit in our custom made boxes. Uncurl your plant(s).  Spread out the roots when seating. Its perfectly okay to seat your treasure lower in the hole than the soil line*.  Be gentle!  Don’t hard pack the soil. Use your foot to step firm (don’t stamp!). Remember roots need oxygen!! When finished mulch well and water. We use fencing  to protect from deer and other varmints and give it a chance to grow without set backs.

If you are not ready to plant right away, unbox and heel in so the roots stay nice and healthy or pot up. Don’t ever let roots freeze or dry out.

*Soil line is the transition area between the root and trunk/stem. The reason for seating deeper is if anything should happen to your tree, it will re-sprout from the base.



Additional information

Weight 300 g